For machine parts and supporting structures with more complex geometries, stresses can no longer be determined using manual calculations. Numerical simulations are required here in order to gain knowledge about the strength. This is exactly what finite element analysis (FE analysis) makes possible: It can be used to determine the strength of components with sufficient accuracy. A 3D CAD geometry model is preferably used as the basis.
The stresses on the components can be determined with the help of the 3D geometry and the boundary conditions.
Whether temperatures or strains, pressure or tensile forces: FE analysis provides information about the physical processes in a solid.
This makes it possible to quantify the stresses that occur and the heat distribution in a solid.
It is common practice to display the results of the analysis in color. Critical areas of a component are immediately recognizable by means of the colouring. It is customary to mark the critical areas in red. These areas are also called hotspots. At such "hot" zones, the strength is definitely no longer sufficient.
Based on these findings, components can be optimized as early as the design process - which saves time and reduces development costs! The results of the analysis also serve as proof of the safety of a component.